Just started leveling a new warlock and it struck me how much easier it was this time now that I learned how warlocks work...or rather...how to think when you play a warlock.
Playing a character is more than than the correct gems, enchants and a perfect timed rotation. You also need to have the correct mindset. :)
Playing a tank-class you are the center of attention. The healer does all he/she can do to keep you alive, the dps'es help you all they can and everyone follow you through the dungeon. You need to be a good leader and keep track of everyone in your group.
As a healer you take care of everyone and rely on them to protect you from the mobs.
On the surface warlock are a class that "do damage". But the difference from other dps-classes are that warlocks are selfish and evil bastards. Please let me elaborate... :)
Or minions, the Imp, Voidwalker, Fel hunter/guard and Succubus are NOT our pets. Hunters name their pets and feed them, take care of them and goes through a lot of trouble finding a special pet that they like. Minions can't be named, we don't feed them and they rarely have anything nice to say/emote. In short, they are just expendable tools. If things goes wrong, just send in your minion to get the aggro while you run away. (You might want to macro "/laugh" to a button you can click while running.)
Warlocks have no nice buffs to give out. Unless you call Unending Breath nice or useful. Ok, we can do Health stones, but honestly... ppl should have brought potions themselves. :) And, yes, we can summon. But the difference between summoning and the mages teleports are: "May I please teleport you to a city of your choise?" and "Come here and heal/tank for me while I let my minion do most of the work.".
Oh, yes, we do have Soul Stones. But they are to keep the healer alive. We need them to heal us while we Life Tap. (Just a word of caution, never yell at the healer that they take too many mana breaks...leave that to the rest of the group.)
Also, DoTs are pure evil. You might feel that rouges are devious and sneaky but nothing beats the viciousness of a bunch on DoTs. If you (or a mob) starts to feel that the fight isn't going their way and decides to flee...it is already too late. As a warlock you can just stand and smile at your opponent while they are running away (You might want to have a "/smile" macro aswell.) and then /laugh when they die and you are running for cover. Doesn't matter if you managed to run out of range of a warlock, it is just a matter of time before you drop dead while someone /laughs in the distance.
In a dungeon/raid, as a warlock, you spam Seed of Corruption on a couple of mobs and then leave the hard work of fighting to the others. Yes, you can use the /laugh-macro here when SoC procs from the dps of the others and people are standing there wondering what just happened.
Face of evil(?)
In short. To be a good warlock you should have the mindset of a complete bastard. :) Minions aren't pets. Buffs are something others do. Team mates are not mates as much as tools to keep aggro and heal you.
And why does mages have a nice tower in SW while we have our trainer in a murky cellar? And Dalaran, the city of mages... where is the city of warlocks? I guess that if there was such a place no one would ever want to go there. :)
So. Comments, please! :) What are the mindsets of other classes? Are hunters people who likes to collect pets? And are mages just people who like to drink alot? Are Death Knights the equivalent of emo-kids? And do people choose warriors because they feel a need to compensate for something? :)
(Spamming my /laugh-macro.)