lördag 16 oktober 2010

Say hello to my little friend.

As if it wasn't enough to have a minion and being able to enslave demons, warlocks can now summon a Doomguard guardian that will fight with you for 45 seconds. I haven't figured out if it does any noticable amount of damage, but I must say that I look rather awesome with a Doomguard, an Imp and two Val'kyrs from my Nibelung. :)

Also, the Imp has got a new spell, Singe Magic, which is supposed to remove a harmful spell from a friendly target. Only problem is that I have no clue when I've have time in a fight to use it or even what button to bind it to.

fredag 15 oktober 2010

Warlocks in Cataclysm

Ok... Cata is here and I must say that I almost paniced last night... Where are my talents? What happen to all my spells? ...and all my addons were broken... Not even my beloved Fishing Buddy worked.

I made a quick stop at the Warlock trainer to get some new spells and then spent my talent points just to get something to work with.

And then I started to notice all the nice things warlocks got. :)

First of all, and this is something hunters got aswell, we can tell our minions to go to a place and stay there. Not sure yet what it is good for, but it sure wa fun to let him run around and annoy people. :)

And the soulshards are gone. (Yay!) Instead of carrying a bag (hopefully) filled with junk I now have a new bag-slot (with a nice, 20 slot, Ebon Shadowbag) and 3 soulshards per fight to use. So instead of constantly worrying about running out of shards it is now time to revisit the spellbook and start using all those shard-guzzling-spells I never dared to use before. :D ...oh, and we got an Evocation-like spell to heal and get new shards, out of combat.

Going to spend the weekend checking my new spell and tell you all about how awesome they are... ;)