That is the question. Well, if you are going to use Fear in dungeons/raids you better have Glyph of Fear or you'll risk ninja-pulling.
But it is not that simple. Personally I love using the glyph but I've read about people who rather not use it. Because, even if it is a very nice glyph it does take away a rather nice trick we warlocks have. Fear-kiting. If you don't know what kiting is I'll try to explain it quickly. Fear-kiting is used when you want to get mobs or pvp-enemies to stay away from something, usually yourself. You cast Fear and they'll run away, simple as that. If used correctly you can "ping-pong" two mobs at the same time and take them down without them ever touching you. It can also be used to Fear-kite enemies in pvp so that they'll never reach the flag-carrier or get close to your healer.
OR you can use the glyph, with the 5 sec cooldown and root their clothies so that your melee can slice them in half. Mount up and run up to their flag-carrier, Shadowfury and Fear and let your friends be able to catch up. Holy Paladins have no chance to heal if they are chain Feared. And without the glyph, getting Feared could be a life-saver since a running target is harder to hit. Standing still makes you an easy target. And if you get into a sticky situation and need to make a mob run away, you can still use Deathcoil or Howl of Terror.
So, which is best? Glyphed or non-glyphed outside dungeons? Actually, both. :) What I love with warlocks is that we have so many fun spells to use depending on the situation. And if all warlocks choose the same setup bg's would get boring. Now, when they see us coming they'll never be sure of what will happen. :)