måndag 21 mars 2011

Warlock wisdom.

Give a horde [Basic Campfire] and he will have [Cozy Fire] for a minute.
[Immolate] and he will be warm for the rest of his life.


Black Embersilk Gown

I have often regret my choice to become a tailor. But this kind of makes it worth the leveling. :)

I'm also glad that I have a female nelf friend. Shoulderless gowns on a male gnome looks...wrong.

måndag 7 mars 2011

PvP weekend.

It started with an innocent "lets gather some honor points" and ended with an entire sunday in battlegrounds. :)

But I've learned two things, destro warlocks with their succubus has an awesome array of CC. And people who gets cc'ed also gets very angry. :) Especially the tauren warrior that I DoTed and CCed to death. He came back and went straight for me even though two other melee was attacking him.

I also got into close combat with another warlock and sent him to the graveyard twice before he switched to his fel puppy...those doggies bite hard.

The spell of the day is the succubus Whiplash. :) Love that one. I have only managed to send someone flying of the edge in EotS once but I still love it. :)

torsdag 3 mars 2011