...but atleast I got some very nice hints on talents and spellrotation...and enchants and gems... In other words, everything. :)
But now I make ALOT more dps. Can't do normal lich king dungeons, unless I want to be the tank. No newbie lvl80 tanks can stand up to my aggro. :D
So... no raid, but I got dragged along to Black Rock Spire with a lvl60-somthing and a lvl80 mage, who had 800 more in gs than me. So, I thought... Ok, a mage, with 5800 in gs. Mages are supposed to do alot of dmg what I am doing here?
But as someone said... :) It's not about gs, it's about skill. Got 150% of his dmg...lol... never seen a player that frustrated before. :D