Luckily I had read the tactics and we did a "dry run" so that everyone would know what to do. We didn't get him down and we did a bunch of silly mistakes. Like when I was to focused on running to the tank so I missed the quake and fell of the platform...
Maybe I wasn't the brightest star in the raid group but I don't think I did too bad for a social-member who never been there before. :)
(Gonna try to tweak my UI so I won't loose track of where I am and write some nice macros to get the Val'kyrs down quicker.)

I know... The UI is terrible...but it is much better now. :)
Oh, fun at least that you had some tries at him! Now it will be easier each fight and even more fun. Admit that you enjoyed the fight, right! :)
SvaraRaderaI don´t know if this will be to any help, but maybe a macro for your Nibelung´s Valkyr could be an idea. Something like this perhaps(the Valkyres command is probably petattack):
/cast Corruption
I don´t know if you can put this two together:
/target Val
/cast Shadow Bolt (or whatever spell you use)
And as long as you have a focus you could use this one:
/#showtooltip Corruption
/cast [target=Focus] Corruption
I don´t have a lock myself, neither a Nibelung, so i can be totally wrong, but in my head it might work with something like this, hehe :)
And i guess that you are well aware about the smart thing about beeing a lock at the Valkyr´s phase - use your portal. If not, it´s just that you have to put up your portal at the edge of the platform so when you will get picked up by a Valkyr, you just summon you self back to it, when the Val drop you over the edge. And also that you shouldn´t stack up at LK when the Val spawns. You should stay further out so there will be more chance that it will pick you up.
However, GL with next attempt. And also set your camra to max distance so you see everything that happens at the scene :)
Think I need to /target the entire name, "Val'kyr Shadowguard" so I won't target my (or others) Val'kyrs from the Nibelung. I'm going to make a nice list of ICC macros I can use. :)
SvaraRaderaAnd the teleport trick was a great idea. :D It would save quite alot of dps-time if the others wouldn't have to spend it to take the val'kyrs down.
And the fight...I LOVED it... :)
I´m not sure if you have to write it all out, but better to be safe than not :)
SvaraRaderaI guess you will make some nice stuffs to use.
Yep, the Val, that will pick you, up shall NOT be dps:d at all. And that´s why it´s so good to have a lock in the raid, and also to keep him/her utside the group, so the chance will be higher of getting picked up.
Hehe, i love it myself, it´s a bit of a challenge each time, just because it´s so many different things going on, and its quite a long fight too.
And i promise you that my pulse raised to 5000 when i got into Frostmourne the first time, haha! I sort of healed my butt off! :)
It´s a bit hard to see when its such a little pic. But from what i see i would suggest y ou to set all your stuff at the bottom line. And do you need to have your groups up and even raidmembers? What do you need that for in this fight? :) Is that a bag, or what is the big thing you have to the right? Do you use to have that open while raiding, you do have a bar for pots right? :) And one more thing, do you need to have that combat heal/mana text up?
SvaraRaderaIm not here to give bad criticism, i just tell you whats pop up in my mind while i just got a quick look at your ui.
Anyhow, its not that bad tbh, just some things that i gave some thoughts :)
I've changed alot of it. :) Added Grid to keep track of the people in the group/raid. I know I don't have to see them but it is comforting to see who is still alive and such. :) pot bar? .. :) ... Mmm... Maybe I should get that...and get better at actually using pots. :D
I tried to have everything at the bottom of the screen, but it blocked he view too much. I'll post a picture of my new UI tonight. :)
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SvaraRaderaYep, another thing that i saw now. Do you need to have such a big chatwindow? It doesn´t have to be that wide.
SvaraRaderaAnd omen doesn´t need to be that wide either. Just enough to show the beginning of the names :)
And the bar with the bag/social/quest...why is it almost in the middle of the screen, hehe?
Btw, get the addon where you can open all bags at one big bag sort of...then you only need a macro to open all bags, or simply just make one barslot for the "mainbag", so you don´t need to have 5 slots for bags.
You also say that your stuff will block too much space at the bottom. Well, not if you make the bars less high and take away the bags, then you will block less space if im correct :)Instead of having 5X12, you can fit (after some arrangements)about 3X24....or something.
Hehe, its me again who can´t stop bla bla bla bla....but it´s only for "some kind of help" :)