tisdag 24 augusti 2010

måndag 23 augusti 2010

Kiss my ***.

While going through my old screenshots I found this one.

Probably one of the best guild names ever. :)

New UI

...still not completely satisfied, but I like it much better than the old one. :)

Think I'll try to shrink things down a little to get back some of the viewable area. :)

...and, yes, I want my bag there. ;)

onsdag 18 augusti 2010

Moments of epic fail/win. #1

It might be a bit nerdy but every once in a while you do or stumble upon something in WoW that you wish you could have recorded to show to everyone. :) This is one of those moment...

I was standing outside ICC waiting for a raid to start when I see a horde fly by, with pvp enabled. Usually I have the philosophy of "live and let live" but this time I just couldn't resist. >:)

So I enabled pvp and started to fear him and throw dots on him. It is probably the first and only time I've managed to keep a player perfectly fear-kited. :) After a while he was almost dead but managed to flee on his flying mount, straight up, out of reach from my spells.

Then the last dot ticked and killed him. ...too bad there aren't any sound effects when dead taurens splash into the ground but it sure was hilarious to watch. :D

Then I did what any brave clothie warlock would do, heartstoned to a safe place and laughed.

Lich King!

Sometimes to get more luck than you deserve. :) Last night I wasn't suppose to go raiding but they needed one more person and I was invited anyway...to ICC...the last boss...o.O

Luckily I had read the tactics and we did a "dry run" so that everyone would know what to do. We didn't get him down and we did a bunch of silly mistakes. Like when I was to focused on running to the tank so I missed the quake and fell of the platform...

Maybe I wasn't the brightest star in the raid group but I don't think I did too bad for a social-member who never been there before. :)

(Gonna try to tweak my UI so I won't loose track of where I am and write some nice macros to get the Val'kyrs down quicker.)
I know... The UI is terrible...but it is much better now. :)

fredag 13 augusti 2010

I haz Nibelung!!11!

Almost forgot. :)

Managed to get a Nibelung last time I was in a raid. :)

People seem to be complaining that it has bad stats and a low proc rate for such a high ilvl... But I don't care, I think it is awesome. :D And I love the Val'kyrs. Mmmm...

onsdag 11 augusti 2010

Changes in Cataclysm...WTF!

"Hellfire will no longer deal damage to the warlock."

o.O How am I now supposed to kill myself?

Why would I want to do that? Well, I know atleast once when I saved the entire raid team from being locked in by killing myself, run back an teleport everyone out on the other side of the door. :P

Hm. Seems like Cataclysm will make me relearn/rethink a lot of things. :)