måndag 29 november 2010

Glyph of Fear

This is my new favorite glyph: Glyph of fear. :)

At first it doesn't look like much. The target you fear will stand still and it will cost you a 5 sec cooldown before you can Fear again. Why would anyone want that? Useless effect and a long cooldown on Fear, that sucks.

But, think again. :) Blizzard tries hard to make things balanced. So a long cooldown must mean that the effect is really nice.

In PvE you can start using Fear. The mobs will no longer run around like headless chicken and pull the entire room. Ok, to be fair, it isn't very useful in PvE. In a perfect world the tanks hold all the aggro and you will stand as far away as you can, spamming Seed of Corruption. But we all know that warlocks are aggro-magnets and now we have an awesome cc to use to buy ourselves some time. :)

But where this glyph really shines is in PvP or rather in BG's. :) Team up with someone with a melee-class and a Fear, Immolate, Conflagrate and a big sword later it will be game over for any clothie-priest or -mage. Same things with paladins. I don't know how many times I've seen a paladin stand and heal him-/her-self and keep 3-4 players busy while the other hordes steal the flag. A simple Fear and it will buy enough time to get that pala down.

Or is that cat-form druid flag-carrier running away from everyone? Mount up and use Shadowfury* on them which will give you enough time to Fear them. After that it is a simple task to get that flag back. :)

I have to admit that I'm not, by far, a good PvP'er. :) I suck at duels and I only go into bg's when I don't have anything else to do. But what I managed to figure out is that bg's is all about team-work. And while Fear won't give you any killing blows it is a very fun (and probably extremely annoying for the enemy) way to help your team win. :) (Oh, almost forgot, a Seed of Corruption or two will get you quite a lot of hk's if that is what you are looking for.)

*) The nice thing with Shadowfury is that it is an instant cast. Meaning, you don't have to dismount to cast it. You will have to use the keyboard to run the last few yards while you use the mouse to aim.

torsdag 25 november 2010


/cheer It finally happen. :) I killed the Lich King. Well, not me personally but me and people from my new guild. :)

We had planned to focus this week on getting the Kingslayer title now before Cata. Had a few dates set up for when we were going. And we got him down on the first try. :)

"So, what are we going to do for the rest of the week?"
"*Shrug* I don't know. Maybe explore more of the changes since the shattering?"


To cut a long story short. :) Seems like we are going to play hide and seek in Gilneas before they start to fill it with NPC's. :)

Warlock PvP

fredag 19 november 2010

Time for a new guild, again. But I get a feeling that this one is a keeper. :) I just joined Accolade. ...to be honest, I haven't had much time to see the new guildies yet. I just sat quiet on vent and listened to them talking and type a few shy messages on the guild chat. But they seem to be very nice. :) Hope I get a chance to raid with them soon. (If just Blizzard could give us a break and not push out new patches every 2 minutes that break everything from dungeons and secondary talents to chat interfaces...)

måndag 15 november 2010

I has addons.

Warlocks in Cataclysm: Soul Burn / Soul Harvest

One very nice change to warlocks in Cataclysm is Soul Burn.

It took a while for me to get used to the new system with soul shards. From being something you had to collect and save and not waste them so you were left without when you really need them to make a summoning portal or a soul stone.

The old system made me skip using shards completely during battle. I didn't want to waste any and be without when I needed to keep soul stones up or summon ppl who got lost or had a long way to run back to the group after they died.

First of all, the ability to summon your minion instantly (even while running) is great. After a wipe you can run in, Life Tap a couple of times, Soul Burn and Summon your Imp, without having to stop at all. Then take a short break with Soul Harvest to regain health and shards. :) No more long wait, eating, drinking and summoning.

During combat instant Soul Fire is extremely useful as...hmm...a kind of crowd control. (If you by crowd control mean blast the mobs to pieces.) You may also start a fight with: Soul Burn (get the buff), Harvest Soul (regain the shard) and then Soul Fire. Mix this with Immolate/Conflagrate, Shadowfury and Death Coil and the mobs won't even have a chance to get close enough to hurt you. :)

Also, to all you healers out there. After combat warlocks usually Life Tap their mana back, leaving them with very little health left. Don't bother too much with restoring it for us as we can (should) do it by our self with Soul Harvest. During battle it is nice to keep us somewhere between 50-80% health though. We don't expect you to keep us at 100% all the time during a fight, there are others who need that more. But since we are aggro-magnets it is nice to not have too little health, we are squichy and need all the health we can get to not be one-shotted. :)

...in return I usually try to steal aggro from mobs that attack the healers. :) <3